Research projects

Ongoing research projects
Former research projects
Ongoing research projects
- Transcriptomic landscape of host-pathogen-antibiotic interactions in Drosophila melanogaster model infected with Gram-negative ESKAPE bacteria. UEFISCDI, Project Code: PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-1797, Contract Number: PCE 96, Project Director: Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc.
- Genome sequencing, assembly and annotation of two Romanian populations of Drosophila suzukii. Research Institute of the University of Bucharest, Grant Number: 7419/04.07.2023, Project Director: Attila Cristian Rațiu.
- Studiul genei CG18135 de la Drosophila melanogaster prin utilizarea unor metode avansate de Analiză Genetică, Genomică și Bioinformatică. Academy of Romanian Scientists, Grant Number: AOSR-TEAMS II, 2023-2024 Edition, No. 1—Biological Sciences Domain, Project Director: Attila Cristian Rațiu.
Former research projects